CCA membership is from 1/1 – 12/31 annually
Dues are due on January 1. Please ensure that your payment is received on or before January 1, to avoid being dropped from the membership database and to ensure that you do not miss any issues with the Cheerful Chatter or Email Flashes. Dues paid after January 1 will incur a $10 late fee.
Per Section 7 of the by-laws, ”Any Alley membership … shall be automatically terminated in the event a member fails to pay Alley dues and assessments (postmarked) by April 1st. Terminated members shall lose all membership rights including clown name protection. In order to regain membership status, a terminated member must submit a new membership application and all applicable fees to the Board of Directors.“
The dues rates are:
Full Adult Membership – (And/or New Applicants) $25
Full Adult Renewal – $20
Family Renewal – $15 for each of the first 2 family members
Additional family members living in the same household will be free. All members are required to complete a renewal application.
Junior Renewal (if under age 16 as of December 31, 2014) – $15
Associate Renewal – $30
Click here to go to the Membership and Renewal Form
All renewals require a newly completed renewal form with your current information, your dues payment, and if you are a FULL member, proof that you are a current member with Clowns of America International (COAI) by including a copy of your membership card. Your completed form should either be sent to the Alley via mail or returned at an Alley meeting. If you are a family member and wish to vote, run for Board of Directors, or have your clown name protected you will need to show proof of COAI membership via a copy of your membership card.
Alley Membership cards will only be mailed to you if you supply a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment. Cards will be brought to the Alley meetings if you would prefer to pick them up in person.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Membership Director.